I’m so grateful to be a part of WorldBeings, a US-based NGO that’s empowering children
in poverty around the world to create their own futures. Our amazing founder,
Steve Leventhal, has created an organization that truly makes a difference.
Last year, I met Priya ( I changed her name for protection ) in India. She’s from the lowest caste and was born into a slum.
At 18, she looked more like a 12-year-old due to malnutrition.
Her mother was just 14 when she had her. In a society where child marriage is common,
Priya was taught that she had the right to her own life.
Thanks to WorldBeings, she attended a school without walls, excelled in her studies,
and graduated with honors. She told me, ‘WorldBeings changed my life.’
When we met in Bihar, India, last year, she expressed her dream of visiting Japan to learn new things.
From that moment, I started making preparations to bring her here.
It was a journey filled with firsts: her first plane ticket, her first visa, and her first trip abroad.
Yesterday, Priya and her family met with supporters from Japan and
Club33 members who flew in from the US and Singapore.
As Mother Teresa said, ‘Love is action, and action is love.’This event was a testament to that,
filled with people who took action to make a difference.
I’m so grateful for the 50 people who came together to support this cause. It’s incredibly
encouraging to know that there are so many others who share this passion.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible, from the emcees and translators to the organizers.
Having experienced the freedom of choice, I understand its immense value.
That’s why I’m committed to supporting WorldBeings in its mission to give
more children the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest.
